Creating Cashflow and Control in Real Estate: A Profit First Tale

How does Simple CFO change lives, from CFOs to real estate investors, to the implementation process up to the light at the end of the tunnel?

In this episode of Profit First's CFO Series, Tiffany Vogel shares how she became financially free through real estate investing!

She is a great speaker, educator, and investor that wants to help you achieve your goals and get out of the rat race. Having young kids at home, she wants to be there for them. Learn more about her and her investing journey. Enjoy the show!

Key Takeaways:

[00:58] Introducing Tiffany Vogel
[02:26] How she started in what she is doing now
[07:34] Getting her interest in becoming a fractional CFO?
[10:48] Things that people struggle with in real estate investing
[14:47] Cashflow 101
[18:38] How Tiffany Discovered Profit First
[23:03] Advice for real estate investors
[25:27] Connect with Simple CFO


[11:22] “Adding one property might not have a huge cost for you, but running a portfolio of 20 properties, there are some overhead costs that don't get accounted for…”
[20:38] “I couldn't go tell clients, 'Hey you need to do this' if I'm not doing it myself.”
[23:44] “Focus on what matters, usually your family, travel, something along that line and just chase the right dreams and your goals.”

Connect with Tiffany:


Tired of living deal to deal? 

If you are a real estate investor or business owner who is tired of living deal to deal and want to double your profits, head over here to book your no-obligation discovery call with me. Either myself or someone from my team will hop on a short call with you to get clear on your business goals, remove any obstacles holding you back, and map out a game plan to help you finally start keeping more of the money you work so hard to make. – David