Find Your Purpose and Leverage Systems: A Money Growth Strategy With Damon Remy

If you’ve been around in the real estate space for quite some time, then you’ve probably heard of the software REI Blackbook. Through the years, it has served its mission to make marketing and sales the easiest way to run your business. And behind its unwavering success lies a superstar team run by Damon Remy.


Damon Remy is the founder and CEO of REI Blackbook. He’s on the show today to navigate the learning lessons, challenges, and triumphs that he has faced over the past 14 years. If you’re looking for some good advice, then grab a cup of Joe, put on your headphones, and start listening to this hotshot real estate magnate.

Key Takeaways:

[2:54] As a business owner, you have to figure out how to separate yourself from the competition.

[9:43] The value you get from leaning in to others 

[11:19] Why does he love empowering others to pursue their passion?

[13:52] What are the lessons that he has learned around money and what does he think about money today? 

[17:42] The most important thing he learned is: Once you really, truly get it, life changes. And money is just a tool. 

[19:58] Having a system that manages that money and making sure that you pay yourself first.

[21:43] His advice to the real estate community

Quotable Quotes:

[1:58] “I love systems, and there are systems for lead generation, there are systems for follow up, there are all kinds of systems.” And absolute Profit First is a system for money. “

[13:07] “There’s no one in the world who doesn’t like money. What money provides for people is what makes it likeable.”

[22:10] “You cannot copy somebody else’s vision. You cannot copy passion, you cannot copy their purpose, so go get some clarity on that. “


REI Blackbook- 

Damon’s Facebook- 


Tired of living deal to deal? 

If you are a real estate investor or business owner who is tired of living deal to deal, and want to double your profits, head over here to book your no-obligation discovery call with me. Either myself or someone from my team will hop on a short call with you to get clear on your business goals, remove any obstacles holding you back, and map out a game plan to help you finally start keeping more of the money you work so hard to make. – David