Learn to Fail and Do It More Often: How Anny Draginova Built a 7-Figure Empire With Batch

Everyone aspires to be a millionaire, but only a very few motivated dreamers succeed in doing so. And in this podcast episode, we'll tell you the story of a successful immigrant who owns several 7-figure enterprises. Yes, you’re right, we’re talking about Batch Service’s very own Anny Draginova.Let's take a glimpse at Anny's journey and how she got started in chasing her very own American dream.

Key Takeaways:

[1:51] How did she get involved in the real estate investing world?

[4:35] Why did she get attracted to real estate?

[7:09] What products do they have and what other products are they launching next?

[11:47] Early money lessons she learned vs. how she thinks about money now  

[13:58] What did reading Profit First and implementing it help her in her business?

[19:45] You can over complicate your KPIs by the gecko.

[21:31] What’s the biggest contributor to Batch’s success?

25:12 Don’t be afraid to fail and get uncomfortable with that because it’s going to be a consistent failure and you've got to be okay with it.

Quotable Quotes:

[12:04] “Lessons about money for me is trying to figure out what’s happening to the money.”

[13:03] “Having that habit of consistency is, I think, the biggest thing.”


Anna Draginova’s Profile-https://instagram.com/annydraginova?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= 

Batch Service’s- https://batchservice.com/ 

The Go Giver by Bob Burg-https://thegogiver.com/ 

Tired of living deal to deal? 

If you are a real estate investor or business owner who is tired of living deal to deal, and want to double your profits, head over here to book your no-obligation discovery call with me. Either myself or someone from my team will hop on a short call with you to get clear on your business goals, remove any obstacles holding you back, and map out a game plan to help you finally start keeping more of the money you work so hard to make. – David