Why Giselle Loayza Implemented Profit First From The Onset Of Her Business

No matter where you are in running your business, implementing Profit First will always be a net positive. But applying the method from the get-go means securing stability through your business financials early on.

Our guest today is somebody who had the foresight to apply the Profit First method to her business. Giselle Loayza is the regional director of the Veterans Service Group, a company dedicated to helping veterans with their VA benefits. 

As soon as Giselle heard about Profit First, she immediately knew that it was something she had to do. So tune in to hear what she has to say about the experience!

Key Takeaways:

[00:58] Introducing Giselle Loayza and Her Background
[06:00] On Learning About the Profit First Message
[10:48] Hiring a CPA and the Benefit of Applying Profit First
[14:11] The Confidence Afforded by Implementing Profit First
[16:08] The Biggest Lessons Learned as a New Business Owner: Communication Can Fixt It
[22:21] Advice for People Who Want to Implement Profit First: Read the Book and Hire a CPA
[24:26] Connect with Giselle


[13:01] “ I love the idea having separate bank accounts and doing the percentages.”
[21:12] “I have learned…you have to take responsibility and face the situation, even if you don't like it and you feel uncomfortable.
[22:10] “Read the book…Don’t delay opening up the bank accounts…And then hire a professional accountant/CPA that is familiar with Profit First.”

Connect with Giselle:

Website: https://www.veteranservicegroup.com/
Email: giselleloayza1@gmail.com

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