Krisstina Wise, CEO and founder of Wealthy Wellthy, helps entrepreneurs achieve success without sacrificing personal health & happiness

Our guest for this episode is Krisstina Wise, a money expert, coach, and the CEO and founder of Wealthy Wellthy. She dedicates herself to helping other entrepreneurs achieve wealth without the cost of their relationships and health—something she herself has gone through. Krisstina’s mission is fuelled by her personal struggles. In 2013, she nearly lost […]

Staying Disciplined With The Profit First Model Helped David Pupo Grow His Business

In this episode, we’re speaking with David Pupo, a real estate investor and the visionary of Florida House Buyers. He studied marketing and finance and worked a corporate job right out of college before transitioning into the real estate industry. David is a big advocate of the Profit First method. He first applied it after […]

How Profit First Helped Bob Lachance Grow His Virtual Assistant Company

Being wealthy is more than just a full bank account. It’s about having a mindset of financial management to accumulate a resource that can continuously build on itself. Moreover, it has the potential to be taught and learned. Our guest today understands the potential of a system like Profit First for himself and others. Bob […]

Why Giselle Loayza Implemented Profit First From The Onset Of Her Business

No matter where you are in running your business, implementing Profit First will always be a net positive. But applying the method from the get-go means securing stability through your business financials early on. Our guest today is somebody who had the foresight to apply the Profit First method to her business. Giselle Loayza is […]

How Profit First Helps Esteban Andrade Manage Five Revenue Streams

Many entrepreneurs struggle with financial management because they don’t know these three essential numbers: what you’re making, spending, and keeping. Having multiple revenue streams means knowing all this information from different businesses. Today’s guest, Esteban Andrade, provides a unique look into the Profit First model. Unlike other guests who have applied the model and reaped […]

How Tim Oppelt Has Persevered Through Difficulties In His Real Estate Career

Starting your own business can be exciting, but it’s also very often difficult. Between coming up with capital and being unable to find their footing and a steady income, new investors can experience a feeling of “financial anxiety.” Our guest today, Tim Oppelt, wasn’t safe from this feeling either. He experienced money problems while in […]